給工程師的程式入門開發課, 2024/3
Possibility, GDG Taipei 2023, 2023/12/16
Building an AI Agent, 2023/9
Generative AI and The Future of Work, 2023/6~9
ChatGPT 在開發工作中的實戰策略, ALPHA Camp, 2023/7/8
2023 Generative AI Conference, 2023/5/6
Fundraising Tips, 2021/11
about MeetAndy
about 2023 Generative AI conference:
about my startup life and Generative AI, 2022/12:
Part 1
Part 2
about my previous startup InfuseAI, 陽明交大幫幫忙, 2021/03: [Listen](https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/ep60-如何加速企業導入ai-啟動數位轉型/id1532682245?i=1000511657235](https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/ep60-如何加速企業導入ai-啟動數位轉型/id1532682245?i=1000511657235)