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Liang-Bin Hsueh (hlb) graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at Chiao Tung University.

In 2006, he founded Handlino and established the Registrano event registration service. In 2013, it was incorporated into KKBOX to become the KKTIX event ticketing platform. Starting from 2016, he took on the role of Product Director at cacaFly, and in 2018, he co-founded InfuseAI to assist enterprises in accelerating AI development efficiency and improving research and development output. In 2023, Liang-Bin switched to serving as an advisor for Hive Ventures, dedicated to the promotion of Generative AI.

In 2024, Liang-Bin founded MeetAndy to build an AI Virtual assistant for proactive task automation.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamhlb/

Website: https://hlb.im/

Chinese version

薛良斌 / Co-Founder and CEO of MeetAndy

薛良斌 (hlb) 畢業於交大資工系,2006 年創辦 Handlino 並建立 Registrano 活動報名服務,於 2013 年併入 KKBOX 成為 KKTIX 活動售票平台。2016 年起擔任聖洋科技 cacaFly 產品總監,並於 2018 年共同創立 InfuseAI,協助企業加速 AI 開發效率,提升研發產出。良斌於 2023 年轉任 Hive Ventures 顧問,致力於 Generative AI 推廣。

在 2024 年,良斌再度創業,推出了 MeetAndy — 一款專為主動任務自動化而設計的 AI 虛擬助理。

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamhlb/

Website: https://hlb.im/